Sewickley Valley YMCA Volunteer Opportunities

Opportunities to Volunteer

Since 1894, the Sewickley Valley YMCA promotes positive values, healthy lifestyles, and meaningful relationships through a wide range of programs and services. Join us in becoming an integral part of our mission to empower individuals and foster strong, thriving communities. Volunteering is a powerful avenue through which you can contribute to our shared purpose, making a positive impact in the lives of others.

By joining our volunteer initiatives, you’ll forge connections with like-minded individuals, expand your social circle, and strengthen bonds within the community. Engaging in volunteer work brings a deep sense of personal fulfillment, as you actively participate in programs that uplift and support those in need, experiencing the gratification of making a tangible difference in others’ lives.

Provide Essential Transportation

Drive for Faith in Action

Join our team of Faith in Action drivers and make a direct impact on mission-critical programs. Whether you opt for a weekly or monthly schedule, your volunteer efforts will help provide essential transportation for seniors and individuals with disabilities, as well as deliver nourishing food boxes to those in need. Your support truly makes a difference. Contact our Faith in Action team for more information.

Provide Food Relief

Help Assemble and Deliver Food Boxes

Prepare, pack, and/or deliver food boxes with healthy and nutritious food in support of our Quaker Valley Food to Families program. Contact our Faith in Action team to join us on the second Saturday of each month at the Sewickley Valley YMCA from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

Help Stock Free Pantry Essentials

Collect and deliver non-perishable food items and personal care products, ensuring access to essential supplies, through our Free Mini Pantries program. Pantries are located in Ambridge, Leetsdale, Crescent Township, and Sewickley.


Contact us to learn more about how to donate your time and talent to any of our impactful programs. Join us in creating positive change and making a lasting impact on the community. Your commitment matters, and together, we can build a healthier, happier future.

For volunteer opportunities, all prospective volunteers must successfully complete our screening process. This process may take one to two weeks to complete, to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all.